Are you an expert programmer in your field and you love to help others?
Arab youth today need all kinds of programming assistance. Applications and websites are sweeping the planet in our time, and the world still needs more great programmers. Companies and large organizations in the Western world know this well and are making a great effort and much money to recruit and manufacture programmers in their countries. In our Arab countries where unemployment rates are doubling, no one seems to know how much difference can happen if we produce more programmers.The Problem
Programming, in general, is not easy to learn and becomes almost impossible when you can not find who helps you, so we see many students avoid them. After the research and the referendum, the founders of this site found that the first and most significant problem in the Arab world is the lack of content to teach programming in the Arabic language correctly. They are generally unorganized and do not instruct novice programmers, but merely provide information to them.
Current Situation
Some of the individual philanthropists try to publish scientific material on Internet sites, hoping to help others or gain fame! Except that I am part of these articles expired another part is submitted in a random way which is difficult to understand. The good part is that it is difficult to reach the programmers with the level assigned to them, and is usually unorganized and does not guide the programmers junior, but only provide information to them.
The Solution
This site was created and aims to build an Arab Programmer Organization to help some of them by disseminating the culture of information sharing. So we support programmers and urge them to share what they have learned and what they find, by portraying it as a video tutorial. And provide them with our platform to disseminate their lessons, and on the other ensure that the access to these lessons to learners according to their level and course of education. This site is intended to publish straightforward related to programming in general.
If you are an expert programmer and have lessons posted on YouTube or your blog and believe that they benefit the Arab community and increase its programming culture, this site is also your platform to publish your lessons. Our experts, in cooperation with experts such as you, are checking the content of the; all. After verifying all the information in the lessons, we immediately publish it on our site and create a teacher-specific page that enables learners to communicate directly with it. To ensure that the content is provided correctly and thus gain the confidence of learners.
For Programmers
If you have not already shared information you have learned, this is an excellent opportunity to start spreading the culture of information sharing in the Arab world. We support you and encourage you to get started. The process is simple and very easy, all you have to do is explain what topic or tool you use in programming. Lessons are videos that do not exceed ten minutes of footage.
The result
If each programmer offers a single video explaining any subject he is capable of, imagine how many new learners and other programmers will benefit, and how the Arab community can become involved in programming. Do not hesitate, and start the revolution today for better Arab science.- Propose a CourseSend Us Your Course Proposal HereSelect...
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